Step 6: Launch and Grow Your Business

Launch Event

Plan and execute a launch event or campaign to introduce your business to the market. Do you have a social media following? Have you built a good network of professionals who have been following your business during its startup phase? Hosting a small gathering, like a dinner with friends and family, can be an important milestone. It’s a way to say, “Yes, I’ve completed all the steps, gained a few customers, and I’m officially running a business.” 

Let your network know about your new venture.

Let your network know about your new venture.

Ongoing Marketing

Continue to promote your business through various channels, including online ads, social media, and networking. 

While the hard work of setting up your business is done, and now the hard work of running it begins, it’s essential to remember the 80/20 rule of business. Spend 80% of your time working in your business and 20% working on your business. For instance, dedicating one day a week to focus on business development, including running different marketing campaigns, can help you determine what offers the best ROI for your target market.

80/20 = work on your business/work in your business

Monitor Performance

Track your business’s performance and make necessary adjustments to improve and grow. Just like with marketing, your backend systems will directly impact your business’s success. Regularly reflect on what’s working, what’s not, and what can be improved. Address each part systematically and separately, so you can focus attentively and make the


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